5 Years later Wiki

Hareraiser is the Omnitrix's DNA sample of a Massomangle from the Wreckers Belt in 5 Years Later.


Hareraiser is a built like a Centaur with a Humanoid Rabbit like upper torso with various eyes adorning both his face and underside of his rabbit like ears and 2 coiled furry arms with 3 bony fingers escaping their ends. Hareraiser also features an Arachnid like lower half comprised of 4 legs made of coiled fur tendrils that end in exposed bone feet even the spider like abdomen ends with protruding bones. His uniform primarily covers the upper half of his body starting from the top of where his torso connects to his lower body it has a alternating black and green patch pattern.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his upper left chest.


  • Gravity Webs- Hareraiser can form his various limbs into cannons of which he fires his Gravity Webs which can push, pull or lock a target in place. While something is locked in his gravity web he can then hit it multiple times to build up kinetic energy to then unleash and launch the object or creature all in one moment.
  • Warped Biology- Hareraiser's entire body is warped and twisted with strange gravity allowing him to increase and decrease his own gravity to jump very far or land very hard without much consequence to his own body along with various other effects.
    • Prehensile Tendrils- Hareraiser can unbind the coiled furry tendrils that make up his limbs and control them with precision allowing them to be used as many, many hands for small tasks.
    • Prehensile Skeleton- Hareraiser can move his entire skeleton how ever he sees fit allowing him to alter his body orientation and move the bones in his limbs when his tendrils need to concentrate on other work.
    • Vision Alteration- Hareraiser can freely alter how his eyes perceive the world allowing him to filter out different kinds of light, see far away objects, see tiny details up close, see heat signatures or even through solid objects.
    • Space Survivability- Hareraiser is unbothered by the harshness of space.
    • Warped Mind- Hareraiser's mind can simultaneously hold separate trains of thought this is how he can control all his limbs while the achieve different tasks.


  • Muscle Restrictions- While Hareraiser can freely move move of his body his muscles will always pull him back into proper shape as such they have a limit on how much they can be twisted before causing immense pain.
  • Strange Gravity- The odd gravity that runs through Hareraiser's own body is prone to building up and needs to be released in large bursts if it is not released it will find its own way out.
  • Warped Mind- While Hareraiser's mind can run multiple trains of thought it can also sometimes conflict with itself if the thoughts diverge too much resulting in Hareraiser stalling as he collects his thoughts.


Massomangles originate from the Wreckers Belt the remains of a planet ripped apart by a freak space time rupture despite being an asteroid belt now the planets atmosphere and inhabitants all stayed in one piece unfortunately though every living thing was mutated over time to adapt to this new freakish gravity environment the Massomangles being the most affected their species gained at first uncontrollable gravity abilities that would eat away and burn up their bodies twisting them into the creatures they are today. Unfortunately due to the shattered warped nature of their planet now their resources are stretched thin leading to many Massomangles to become more or less Space Bandits any ship that enters into their asteroid belt is attacked in an attempt to strip parts they can use to help save themselves and their people it is not something they want to do but something they need to do in order to survive.

Massomangles history before the rupture is unclear as any recovered records are often extremely conflicting this combined with wildly different fossils found in what large planet pieces that do still exist has lead to the theory that the massomangles where perhaps two entirely different species whose planets and people where combined in the space time rupture and that the burning sensations and twisting of the massomangles bodies was in fact the strange gravity that flows through their bodies merging the species together the pain and trauma caused by this initial fusion would explain Massomangles own inability to recall their pasts correctly leading to the confusion of what even caused the rupture in the first place. But what has been figured out is that the event took place so long ago that any hope of unfusing the species has long passed and to unfuse them would be to erase the Massomangle peoples a thought that would rather not be followed up on by anyone.






  • The species Massomangle comes from the game "Mass Effect" and Mangle. Mass Effect because of the gravity powers present in the game series and Mangle due to the mixed up origins of the species origins. The "o" that separates the words is from lagomorph the genus name for Rabbits and Hares.
  • Hareraiser is combination of Hare and hair-raiser due to both the Hare like look of the alien and also its freakish appearance.
  • Hareraiser's Gravity Webs where inspired by the stasis power from Breath of the Wild.

Ben's Arsenal
Playlists 1 - 19
Playlists 20 - 39
Playlists 40 - 59
Playlists 60 - 79
Playlists 80 - 99