The Orion Knight is an armored suit created of various technology, that is modified by GoTro, which is used by The Orion Squad members for combat.
The Orion Knight is an armored mechanical suit that is formed, and piloted by all of the Orion Squad members, which is fitted with various technology and weapons.
In Episode 11: Shattered, The Complete Orion Knight can be seen when Lula mentions forming it to the the team. This version of the Orion Knight is a massive metal suit, with Lula, acting as the lower torso and legs, Crawnch, as the upper body and arms, and Eve and Chirp, both placed in pods on its shoulders. The suit is made up of a case for the upper torso, except the arms, sporting the Plumber logo in the middle, big mechanical boots, and a covered head sporting three horns. The suit is fitted with a sword, a shield, and two cannons in place of lower arms.
Later, The Orion Knight is formed by Lula, Crawnch and GoTro, using the technology from Future Fenton's suit. The incomplete version of the suit consits of Lula, acting as the lower torso and legs, Crawnch, acting as the upper body, and GoTro, integrated into the suit. It is made up of a case for the torso and shoulders with some green elements, a mask with red lenses and that doesn't cover the mouth, an opening in the chest for GoTro's eye, a helmet with a green visor and a modified Plumber badge on the forehead with green blades, and is fitted with Lula's upgraded Klawz.
5 Years Later Comic[]
5 Years Later Motion Comic[]